Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Boys Have Been Here

Neil cut out some dead bushes from our front yard on Saturday. But he can't just throw them away like a normal person. No, he has to stack them in the middle of my patio so he can burn them in the grill. Then Madoc commandeered them, added some grass clippings, and made a pretend fire.


Melissa said...

Hahaha! I have half a tree in our back yard that Thomas is also saving for some special manly burn... it's driving me crazy!

Mom said...

I think he is a genius! And it did not cost you a thing!

Alan C said...

I could come and help with the wood burning... but it might be a while.

Karen C. said...

Boys love fire. Real or pretend, it doesn't matter. Madoc is a creative little guy.