Monday, January 3, 2011

Where did you learn that!?

This is another Rocket Scientist catch-up post

Cute girl has been learning to read over the past year. Her learning accelerated when she started kindergarten last fall. We'd been having her read some of the simpler parts out of her story books and she would regularly read out of her phonics workbook but larger words and sentences were beyond her... or so we thought.

We have a family home evening book that we use for when it is the kids' turn to do the lesson. They pick an object out of the accompanying bag and then we help them give the lesson that goes with that object. Some of the lessons can be on the longish side and we are regularly running up against bedtime so there is often some paraphrasing going on between the printed lesson and the parent whispering into the child's ear.

About a month ago, it was my turn to help cute girl give a lesson about the Brother of Jared and the 16 stones. I whispered the first sentence to her and she repeated it. I started paraphrasing the second and third sentences and she looked up at me and said, "That's not what it says." So I said, "Well why don't you read it, then." And she did. The whole rest of the lesson. I kept looking up at the wife in amazement as she read words like 'righteousness,' 'Promised Land, and 'frightened.' Apparently, the wife was just as surprised as I was. She stumbled a few times and had to be prompted but read the whole thing mostly by herself.

At the end, when the wife and I both asked her where she learned to read all those words, she replied, "Well, I am in kindergarten."


Katie said...

HAHAH!!! She is so funny. I love the stuff she says. And I don't know why you're so surprised, she has always been a genius.

California Crapos said...

She is so smart! When she was making cookies with us we were talking about werewolves (for whatever reason) and John asked if she liked Twilight werewolves. She replied, "No, just daylight ones."
Then he asked about vampires and she said no. He asked if she knew what they were and she said, "Yeah, the guys in baseball . . . oh, no, that's umpires!"

Sheri E. said...

I love how sassy she is. She is such a smart girl.

Julie Knight said...

She is smart! I'm pretty sure she's the only 5 year old I know who can drive a car AND already has her licence. Genius!

Karen C. said...

Boofus is super smart and she IS in kindergarten after all. From here on out it will get harder and harder to fool her.