Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Haircuts

For the big ones at least.

And evidence that three children cannot be photographed at once.


Katie said...

Both hair cuts look great. And I love the little baby tutu pants.

Sheri E. said...

Sadie's hair cut makes her look so grown up. The kids all look so cute, even if you can't get a good face from all of them at the same time.

Alan C said...

The haircuts look great! I also love the facial expressions, even when they are not what you want them to be.

Karen C. said...

I love Sadie's expression in the last picture. Seems like she's saying, "Can't we please get this over with?" Its hard to be so cute and have people wanting to take your picture all the time! (but I'm glad you keep doing it cuz I love the pictures!)

whitney said...

Cute cuts! I agree! S looks so grown-up with her cut!

I feel the pain. It does get slightly easier as they get older, I promise. The wiggles don't go away, but at least they understand the meaning of "Cheese!"