Monday, November 8, 2010

Pizza Pie

We made pizza for dinner last night and I recently discovered that the kids will actually eat their pizza if they get to make their own. Cute Girl's always liked pizza but Handsome Face doesn't eat dinner at all so it's nice to get him to eat something. Even if they do refuse the vegetables.


whitney said...

What a great idea. I'll have to try it sometime soon because my oldest doesn't do so fabulously with pizza...or much of any other food for that matter :P

Mom said...

They look proud of their finished product. And it looks yummy to me.

Katie said...

I love make-your-own pizzas. Good idea.

Alan C said...

I thought pizza sauce was a vegetable... OK, tomato is a fruit. The pizzas look great.

Karen C. said...

Pizza always tastes better when you get to make it yourself!

John said...

Maybe you could grind up vegetables into the tomato sauce. But you would have to do it when they weren't looking. I don't know how easy that would be.