Thursday, April 21, 2011

Someone had a birthday!

That's right! Someone is now six years old (and has been for several weeks now). Since my life is consumed with trying to feed Charlotte, I haven't posted about our birthday festivities.
Sadie and Neil always want cheesecake. And that's fine because cheesecake is delicious but I want cake! We took cupcakes to her class that day so Madoc and I got to enjoy a little birthday cake. We had sausage and bean soup the night before and potato casserole (with pork chops, etc.) for her dinner proper. She always requests such funny things for her birthday dinner.

I think she was quite pleased with all of her gifts. She got everything she had asked for, especially the new watch that she's been asking me to buy for the past two months.

More birthday party to come later!


Katie said...

She looks so happy and pink. I like her hair.

Julie Knight said...

I was gonna comment on the hair too. It looks adorable on her. I can't believe how old she's getting. I must agree on the cheesecake for birthdays though. So delicious!