Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pillow Fight

Pillow fights have a long and storied tradition in our house. One of Neil's and Sadie's favorite games after she learned to walk was for her to toddle around the living room while he tried to knock her down by throwing pillows at her. It sounds abusive but she loved it. While Sadie never has been very interested in throwing the pillows back, Madoc takes the game seriously, sneaking up on Neil while he's sitting on the couch with a pillow in hand.

This morning after one such attack, Madoc decided to give Neil a chance to fight back. Handing Neil a pillow and keeping one for himself he said:

"Daddy, you count to four and I'll count to one."

Yes, that's much more sporting.


Katie said...

Haha! That's pretty funny. He is all boy.

Rachael said...

Neil wants me to tell you that the throw-the-pillow-to-trip-the-kid game is called "Pillow Pillow," and apparently is something intrinsic that all cool Neils know how to play with their kids (this is our kids' favorite game to play with him, and it scares the dickens out of me).

Sarah said...

He's witty!! We absolutely love pillow fights around our house!!

Alan C said...

That is great that Madoc wanted a one to four count head start. What a cleaver boy.