We celebrated Handsome Face's birthday over the weekend. We had such a good time. We started out with breakfast. I made eggs and toast but I knew he'd really only want the bacon and some cereal. Sure enough, that's what he ate.
Then we headed for the pool. It was a great day for being in the water.
Cute Girl with her life jacket, despite knowing how to swim. She drives me crazy sometimes.

Apple break

After naps we headed to town for a birthday surprise. We met Dad at the theater and saw Toy Story 3! When we came home it was time for dinner and birthday celebrations. Lucky for us the power went out right before we were ready to start. It made the evening a little interesting.

Handsome Face wanted a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cake so that's what he got. I made a yellow cake and decided to put chocolate on the other layer since that's MY favorite combination.

A dragon from Aunt Abby

the fire truck from Grandma and Grandpa

and all of the loot from Mommy and Daddy

We ate dinner by camp lantern. Handsome Face is the pickiest eater in the house so we decided to
barbecue for his birthday. I knew he would eat hot dogs, chips, and strawberries. The big people also enjoyed broccoli salad.

Birthday festivities extended into the next day when Grandma and Grandpa
Crapo's package arrived. I liked the
pajamas the best. He liked the shooting airplane. Go figure.

Oh how much fun. I love his huge smile in that picture in front of his cake. Looks like he had a good birthday.
Happy Birthday Handsome face! He is growing up so fast. The cake looks beautifully decorated. Good job!
Happy Birthday! It looks like he had a great time.
I almost forgot what is REAL name is until I saw the birthday poster. :) What a fun birthday!
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