Thursday, September 3, 2009

More goings-on in our house

Is it really Thursday already? I swear I was going to post yesterday. Oh well.
Here's a question for you. Why do delivery men (and yes, they're all men in our neighborhood) always come in the middle of naptime? And why do they either ring the bell twice or get it stuck so that it's constantly buzzing?
I am now the proud owner of one 5 qt crockpot, two 5.5 qt crockpots, and three 5.5 qt crockpot stonewares. All this due to breakage, replacement, breakage, and more replacement. What am I supposed to do with all these extra crocks?
Cute Girl is now the proud owner of a Combi Dakota booster seat (hence the doorbell at naptime). Yay for no more cumbersome carseat. Boo to her no longer being able to buckle herself in because of the shoulder strap adjustment.
Handsome Face is still sick. We hate fevers. But this didn't stop us from going to ride bikes with the same kids we traded germs with on Monday.
Our car is sometimes not starting. This is a big sometimes, as in the car won't start when I have to go to my church meetings in the evenings. It always works for the Rocket Scientist and it works when I run errands Saturday morning. Just Wednesday and Thursday nights it decides it doesn't want to go to church. I completely missed my meeting last night. And I really wanted to go!