Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Well, I can already tell what life is going to be like married to a seminary teacher. Early morning training means home from work late means I took care of the kids myself, the kids went to bed without seeing Dad once today, and his dinner is cold. And it was a good dinner too! Indiana-style fried pork chops, golden baked potatos, buttered brocoli, and salad. Although, to be completely honest, I never actually finished the salad because I was doing everything myself and taking care of crying kids. There's just a bowl of lettuce sitting on the counter.


Sarah said...

wow ash! that's a lot. GOOD LUCK!

Katie said...

I am very sad for you, but I have to admit I laughed pretty hard about the bowl of lettuce part. Hopefully things will get easier.

Rachael said...

oh wow. this will be a year of a lot of growth for you all, right? (trying to put a positive spin on). is this one of the wards where it's a one-year calling, or a four-year?

Kristin said...

Wow... seminary teacher. I'm jealous because he'll learn SO much, but if I were the wife, that is a big sacrifice, but, with sacrifice comes blessings!

whitney said...

I'm uber-impressed about the dinner, even if it was cold. I had to laugh about the bowl of lettuce, I know I've done that at least once. What a trooper you are w/the seminary thing! I can't even believe how hard that would be (((hugs)))

ps-yes, we did celebrate w/lots of ice cream. While Ezra doesn't really like cheese yet, he's plenty fond of ice cream and pudding (big surprise there).