Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Charlotte!

Poor little Charlotte had a rather unspectacular first birthday. It's a good thing she's too little to care. Neil had to come home early to take care of the kids so I could spend the afternoon at the elementary school. He and Madoc just laid on the couch and made sure that everyone stayed alive. I got home late with a pizza that only Sadie and I ate and then we had to rush through cake and presents so everyone could go to bed.

 She didn't really understand the unwrapping part but she got lots of goodies and looked cute in her pictures.
 I made a tiny little cake just for Charlotte but I wasn't home and it never got taken out of the fridge. So it was cold and hard to eat. I ended up having to cut into the cake anyway just so she could attempt to eat it. So much for a smash cake. I'm pretty sure that only Sadie and Charlotte ended up eating any of it. Chocolate cake doesn't sit well in sick tummies.


Mother Teresa said...

She is so cute. Wish I could have seen the first bite. She is growing too fast.

Mother Teresa said...

Oh, and I forgot to say how pretty the cake looked. You did a fantastic job on it. Funny how the clothes came off of Charlotte before the "digging in" began.

Sheri E. said...

It looks like she enjoyed the cake. I love hearing her "talk."

Katie said...

The cake was so pretty! Good job. She looks like she enjoyed her birthday despite all the difficulties.

Alan C said...

It looks like she did a good job of enjoying the cake. Nice cake and great photos.