Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hunting for Pumpkins

We have several pumpkin patches in the area but one is quite close. It's only 15 minutes down the highway which is extraordinarily convenient when you have three small children. We didn't go in 2010 since Charlotte was due soon so we decided it was time to go again. We spent a few morning hours at the patch and as we were driving home Neil and I both agreed that it had been a highly successful morning. Everyone had fun, Charlotte was good, there were no tantrums, the kids saw everything they wanted, and everyone was ready to go at the same time with no complaining! We packed a lunch to eat in the car on the way home so everyone was ready for naps when we got back. How awesome is that?!
 We rode on a hay wagon out to the pumpkin patch to pick pumpkins. Sadie found a good one right away. Madoc wanted the biggest one of course. We almost walked the whole patch before he finally settled on one. Sadie also found a tiny pumpkin for Charlotte.

 This farm has awesome tire swings. The kids had lots of fun taking turns with the other kids.
 Neil decided the pumpkins needed some shade.
 I sat and watched while the kids were on the swings and in the trees.

 The kids also saw some animals, walked the hay maze, and played in the bounce  house. Once she was done jumping, Sadie announced that she was tired and ready to go home. Madoc was good enough to oblige her as soon as he was done jumping too.


Katie said...

It's nice when kids actually enjoy the outings we put so much effort into doing for them. I like Madoc's huge pumpkin.

Sheri E. said...

I like that huge tire swing. I'm glad the outing was so fun. Isn't it great when your plans work out nicely?