Monday, June 13, 2011

6 months

Charlotte turned six months old last week. We went in to the pediatrician's office today for her six month check-up. Her height is still right  on track and her weight finally took a (small) upward jump. She's still a tiny little thing but she's growing! She weighed 11 pounds 13 ounces. 
Of all my children Charlotte is the most ready to smile. Her face lights up whenever someone pays her any attention. She's almost "officially" sitting on her own. She prefers to stand than sit and has been standing since she was a month old - she's so strong! She has her favorite toys (including Neil's iPod headphones) and loves to splash in the bathtub with the big kids. They fight over whose turn it is to bathe with Charlotte.
We still can't get her to eat solids. She's had rice cereal, pears, and bananas but she spits them all out and clamps her mouth shut when she sees the spoon. Hopefully that will change soon because she needs the calories.
Unfortunately she's already preferring mama to anyone else. The Young Women kept wanting to hold her at mutual last Wednesday but she screamed like a banshee every time they picked her up.
Neil says I pushed her over with the zoom.


Katie said...

She is looking way bigger than when I saw her last. Good job sitting up. What a cutie!

Sheri E. said...

She is so precious! I can't believe she's sitting up already. She'll be solving that Rubik's UFO in no time.

Karen C. said...

It did kind of look like you pushed her over with the zoom. Neil singing in the background was a nice touch...(that was Tagalog???) I'm pretty sure she's the cutest little six month old in the whole world!

Julie Knight said...

She is adorable!

mom said...

She is growing up too fast for me. She is so adorable. Can't wait to get my hands on her. Hope she doesn't cry.

Alan C said...

Amen to all of the other "adorable" comments. Give her a hug and kiss for me.