Sunday, January 10, 2010

My little brother, Chase, died today.

Please remember my parents, John and Teresa, in your prayers.

That's all we need - lots and lots of prayers.

Thank you


Katie Rod said...

Oh, I am so sorry. We'll be thinking of you and your family during this time.

Kristin said...

Ash, I am so sorry to hear that! We'll be praying for your family. I wish I was there to help you guys out! We love you guys!

Chelsea said...

I'll always remember him as the cute little guy who took me on the fastest go-cart ride I've ever been on (and only...). Made me shriek like a roller coaster.
I'll pray for your family.

Lachelle said...

You've all been in our thoughts and prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, or if you want to chat with someone. Love you lots.

Rachael said...

Oh Ashley, I'm sorry to hear this. Your family is in my prayers.

Sarah said...

Ashley, I heard & I've just had a pit in my stomach since. I love you lots & am just so so so sorry. All of our prayers, love, thoughts, concern.

Kelsey said...

Ashley, I was so sorry to hear this and am praying for peace and understanding for your family. I love you!