Sunday, November 9, 2008

My life has become crazy busy. Strange, as I stay at home with my children and have no car. But about a month ago a mother's group was organized in the neighborhood. It's been so fun. We have playdates at one of the neighborhood playgrounds almost daily. And every other Wednesday we have a picnic. The kids and I have loved it. The kids have friends and Cute Girl is really coming out of her shell. They're also getting tons of exercise. Speaking of, I am too. Half the moms go running/walking in the morning and even though we don't plan it, we run into each other most of the time and then we end up spending the whole morning together. But it eats up all my free time. Hence I don't ever blog anymore. Maybe I'll get better. We'll see.

But here are some pictures from the past few weeks.The Rocket Scientist's Apple Pie

How he puts shoes onStealing Dad's Cheerios because his aren't good enough


Cris, Jon, Austin and Ethan said...

wow, I am impressed by the pie! we miss you guys.

Melissa said...

Hey!! I just found your blog on someone elses... bless that blog hopping! Your family is so cute and your kids are HUGE! When did that happen??? Keep up the good blogging! We miss you!