Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Day in Our House

M is almost seven weeks old now and life is beginning to get back to normal - sort of. N doesn't make in to work quite as early as he used to but his arrival times have become a bit more consistent. And no one can really blame him for being a bit late since he's feeding the kids breakfast so Mom can get one more hour of sleep. S loves it when he finally comes home each day. She likes to run into the laundry room so that she can be the one to open his door. M is less kind. He's usually screaming when N gets home because he hates taking his afternoon nap.

S has taken to starting her day bright and early. She has an annoying habit of getting up before it's time for any living creature to be awake. Her timing is especially awful as it usually coincides with Mom just getting back in bed from feeding M for the fifth time that night. Her crankiness level has increased ten-fold because of it, but at least her naps have stretched out to give Mom a break in the afternoon.
M is a good baby although he still struggles to eat during the night, which mean his mother ends up getting up to feed him every hour or two. But last night we had a break through and he slept six and a half hours straight (and then he woke up every two hours to eat). But he takes naps and that's more than S ever did.
Mom spends her day watching the clock to make sure M never gets too tired and to feed S regularly. It's a good day if she can get both kids in bed at the same time so she can nap too.
The highlight of the week is Saturday mornings when we all get to relax and spend time together. It's nice to have Dad home to help put M to bed and to entertain S.