Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Day in Our House
M is almost seven weeks old now and life is beginning to get back to normal - sort of. N doesn't make in to work quite as early as he used to but his arrival times have become a bit more consistent. And no one can really blame him for being a bit late since he's feeding the kids breakfast so Mom can get one more hour of sleep. S loves it when he finally comes home each day. She likes to run into the laundry room so that she can be the one to open his door. M is less kind. He's usually screaming when N gets home because he hates taking his afternoon nap.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Happy Faces
S and M were sharing some playtime with Mom here in these pictures. M is a fun little guy. He's started smiling and cooing in the past week. He absolutely lights up when he's playing with Mom. He also seems to be growing much faster than S ever did. Looks like S's lil' bro will soon be bigger than her.
S is still loving M and tries to be a little Mom and the greatest big sister all wrapped in one. Sometimes her efforts run a little awry, however, like throwing pacifiers at M's head in an effort to play catch or accidentally dumping ice water over him while checking to see if he was ok. He takes it like a champ and I'm sure he'll be tougher for it.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Spiders At Our Barbeque!
Nothing makes you feel better about living in the American Southwest than when a Black Widow takes up residence on your bag of charcoal. I knew something was up when my charcoal was attached to the wall of the house and the kiddie pool in a rather large web.
I found a Black Widow and an egg sac. One thing is for certain, this particular black widow certainly knew how to attract males. Nothin' says lovin' like a barbeque!
After cleaning up the web and taking pictures for evidence, the spider became squashed debris, and the egg sac became barbeque fuel.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
The Men of Our House
I call this one, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old... he won't root for the Cubs."
The two early birds in the house... M and Grandpa C share a moment before the rest of the house wakes up.
This is John holding M before Grandma gets into town. He's gonna be in so much trouble when she finds out the he got to hold him before she did...
Blessing Day
M was blessed on August 5, 2007. Grandma C made sure he went to church in style (by providing his adorable outfit) and M made sure he puked all over it. Never was there a blessing that was more of a fiasco. The Bishop forgot about us and we had to have him blessed at the end of Sacrament Meeting. Then while being placed in everyone's hands, M chose to throw up, coating all of the men in spit up and dripping throughout the duration of the blessing. S in her new pretty purple dress.