Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Grand Kickoff

Due to popular demand (and because sometimes they drive us nuts), we're putting our children on the internet (so that they can drive you nuts too). As soon as I figure out how to put sound on this page, I am going to serenade you all with M's squawking. Then you can participate in the poll of the animal it most resembles. The current top three are...

  1. Screech Owl
  2. Raccoon trapped in a dumpster
  3. Velociraptor

In the meantime, you can enjoy him without sound and at a time of day that you are already awake - he's much more pleasant that way.

M's co-star on this page is his delightful big sister, S, who is an absolute angel as long as she has 124.6% of your attention. S's latest development is the ability to memorize every one of her library books before they have to go back. It is hard to keep a straight face as she reads her own bedtime story and recites word for word What Bounces?

So, without further overexplanation... I present the Crapo Stars.


Unknown said...

Haha, it's true! I've heard "What bounces" myself a couple of times!