Monday, August 11, 2008

I haven't been blogging lately. We've just been trying to survive. Cute Girl is going through a defiant stage called childhood and Handsome Face has a cold. And I've become allergic to the desert so all normal activity has ceased. So, we've nothing fun to talk about and whining about how stinky things are just isn't any fun.
So, question. What do you do with your kids when you're sick? (Besides yell at them to get off their brother for the thirteen billionth time.)


Rachael said...

I don't have any good ideas, but thank you so much for posting's good to know I'm not the only one. I feel like I've tried every trick conceivable to deal with three-year-old-itis.

whitney said...

Movies...lots and lots of movies. I'm also a fan of having them trash the living room with toys while I lay on the couch. Hope things get better soon!